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Internet Safety

It’s the responsibility of any parent or guardian to assist their children in choosing the things and the persons to find online.
Here are some tips provided for parents by the Australian Communications and Media Authority:

Give time to be online with your kids.
Teach your kids to use the net for research purposes.
Always teach the kids that information from the net is not always truthful.
You have to teach kids the basic etiquette in using the web.
Chat safely and bear in mind “stranger danger.”
Rules have to be formulated.
Make it a point to get involved.
It helps to teach kids ways to deal with disturbing material online.

Bear in mind that the best protection you can give your children is parental supervision.
Further information about internet safety for parents and kids can be found with the links below:

  • Download the Australian Communications and Media Authority  Cybersmart Guide: Help your kids make the most of the internet safely!
  • View the following Open Colleges Australia web resource:  CYBER SAFETY: An Interactive Guide To Staying Safe On The Internet